Sunday, October 9, 2011

#44. Un Chien Andalou (An Andalusian Dog) (1928)

Grade: B-

Um, did they say "WTF" in 1928? 

This collaboration between director Luis Buñuel and artist Salvador Dali is etched into our consciousness of film history because of one image: a razor slicing open an eyeball.

The film has no conventional plot and the chronology is very disjointed, jumping from the initial "once upon a time" to "eight years later" without the characters really changing that much. There's really no point in me telling you what the movie was about because I'm still scratching my head over it.

It's apparent that this film has influenced not only modern day filmmakers, but the current style of music videos as well. Yes, there are still music videos being made. After watching this movie, I half expected my phone to ring and hear an eerie voice on the other end saying, "Seven days."  Luckily that didn't happen and no one crawled out of my television set to steal my soul. 

Why you should watch Un Chien Andalou: Well, it's really short. And it's visually stunning.
Why you should pass: It might give you nightmares and it makes no sense.

France 16m Silent B&W
Director: Luis Buñuel
Producer: Luis Buñuel
Screenplay: Luis Buñuel, Salvador Dalí
Photography: Albert Duverger
Cast: Pierre Batcheff, Simone Mareuil, Luis Buñuel, Salvador Dalí